MagnaFlow Exhaust Installation - 2007 Ford F-150 -

MagnaFlow Exhaust Installation - 2007 Ford F-150 -,

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer
installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Today on a 2007 Ford F-150 we will be installing a MagnaFlow performance exhaust, part number MF16523. Our first procedure is going to be soaking down our clamp and hardware. I highly recommend that you soak this down several times and let it sit for at least 30 minutes before trying to break this nut loose. These bolts tend to become extremely rusted and very difficult to remove. As you can see, we have already gotten this nut broken loose. This clamp is loose but, if it becomes difficult to back off, I recommend that you work the nut back and forth, on and off, breaking free the rust that has built up in the threads of the clamp. After giving it a few taps with the hammer, you will notice that the clamp came loose and broke the rust free. Now that my clamp is loose, I just want to spread it open a little bit to make it easier to remove the exhaust pipe. 0:58.

MagnaFlow Exhaust Installation - 2007 Ford F-150 -
MagnaFlow Exhaust Installation - 2007 Ford F-150 -

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